New Site Launched for Pinners Photography

We were commissioned by Dorset Landscape Photographer Matt Pinner to create a new website, and eCommerce solution for his artwork.
His original website wasn’t quite doing the job and he couldn’t update it himself – he needed a professional to come in and create a selling, easy to use tool. We created a bespoke web design created on a new domain with updated business branding, with a redirect from the previous domain once in our control. We wrote all the copy on the website, as well as providing extensive on-page SEO work to obtain good rankings quickly.
The multi-media site included video embedded on homepage, hidden for mobile use, Social Media configuration and embedding for Sharing with embedded image for copyright protection as well as disable right click for image protection.
The E-Commerce shop built onto site with multiple product options as drop downs options has PayPal integration for online payment gateway in shop for products and services
Visit the Site Here –