budget marketing tips ideal for small businesses

Taking advantage of your digital marketing doesn’t have to be expensive! Here are just some ideas to get you going on your online marketing journey….
Get your website basics right
Check out our FREE website health-check tool and see if there is anything on your website that isn’t quite performing as well as it could be. Is it easy to navigate? Have you had a proof-reader spell check and grammar check it for you? Does it have all your basic contact information?
Create Blog Content
WRITE! Being in the business you know day in day out what you do, and how you do it. But your customer may not. Are you always answering the same questions? Maybe you could create FAQ page.
Set up or use your social media accounts
Set up that Facebook page, but never really got around to sorting it out? Post something! Show off that amazing client review you just got. Is all your information up to date?
Improve or Claim your Google My Business Listing
GMB Listing is COMPLETELY FREE. It helps small businesses attract new customers through google search and maps as well as helping to link to their website, showcase opening hours, social links – making is easier for prospective clients to get in touch with you!
Keeping in touch with your customers? Try Email Marketing!
There are loads of free email marketing tools, and it’s a great way of staying in touch with current, past and future clients allowing you to easily tell them about news, offers, anything really!
However, in line with GDPR legislation, you cannot just add all your clients into your email marketing – DO NOT DO THIS!! Each client must express that they wish to be marketed to.
Create some Bespoke Visual Content
40% of people respond better to visual info than plain text.
Partner with like-minded businesses around you
Think outside the box, are there any businesses around you that share a similar target audience. Is there something you could cross-promote or align with. There’s a blog post, PR article or social post right there!
Bring in user-generated content
User Generated content can be anything from pictures, videos, testimonials, tweets, blog posts, and everything in between and is the act of users promoting a brand rather than the brand itself. Dig out what people have been saying/sharing about you and use it!
Recycle your old content
You probably already have a butt load of content just sat there, so re-purpose it! Share it in a different place. Add new text. Share the story now you’re weeks, months, years later – what’s changed.
Try out for awards
Even just becoming a finalist in a category can give you enough PR leverage to shout about on social media. Just imagine if you won…..
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